At this point, if necessary, the user can configure the desired JPG print settings for the output file.

Then, after pushing the Print button the editor sends the document to the Universal Document Converter printer, which converts it into a JPG. To begin, the desired document is opened using an editor or viewer designed to handle its file type. Once installed, a new device appears in the list of printers–a virtual printer. The program is easily installed on the computer.

The theory and operation of Universal Document Converter as a virtual JPG printer are simple and understandable. But that’s no surprise, because in this case it allows the user to print a document as a JPG file literally with just a few clicks of the mouse using the print function found in most applications. It’s impossible to beat the program Universal Document Converter at JPG printing in terms of quality and ease of use. Utility programs are more convenient and simpler way to perform the conversion. Furthermore, there is a noticeable loss of quality in the output file. This process takes a lot of time, especially for routine work on a large number of documents that varying in format and size. One way to produce a JPG image is to use the Print Screen function and then an image editor such as Microsoft Paint. This lets end users view them directly within a browser. Small JPG files can be put on the Internet without extraordinary effort or can be sent via email. It’s convenient and significantly simplifies work for the end user. Viewing image files in this format does not require special software. The need to save files as JPG images often arises in word processing.

Every modern computer (and even a smart phone!) has special software installed to view this file type, so you can – once and for all – solve the problem of data compatibility for your customers and yourself! Converting documents, tables, and charts to JPG format makes them completely versatile.