
Navionics app list of lakes
Navionics app list of lakes

GPX IMPORT/EXPORT: Share your saved data outside the app or transfer it to your chartplotter. ĜONNECTIONS: Stay in touch with your friends and fellow boaters by sharing your live location, tracks, routes and markers to easily meet on the water or let them check out your adventures. ĜOMMUNITY EDITS and the ACTIVECAPTAIN® COMMUNITY: Obtain and contribute useful local knowledge along with thousands of fellow boaters, such as points of interest, navigation aids and valuable recommendations from people with firsthand experience of the local environment. Record your track, take photos and videos within the app, and look back at your day anytime. MARKERS, TRACKS, DISTANCE**: Place a marker on a good anchorage spot or where you reeled in a big fish. Access real-time weather data, daily and hourly forecasts as well as wind, weather buoys, tides and currents. WEATHER AND TIDES: Knowing conditions before heading out is crucial. Get ETA, distance to arrival, heading to waypoint, fuel consumption and more. ĚUTO GUIDANCE+TM TECHNOLOGY*: Easily plan your trip with a suggested dock-to-dock path based on chart data and navigation aids. TOOLS FOR PLANNING AND ENJOYING YOUR DAY.ĝAILY UPDATES: Benefit from up to 5,000 daily updates worldwide. MAP OPTIONS: Change chart-overlay combinations to customize chart views, highlight shallow areas, target multiple fishing ranges and more. Want more? Display satellite imagery on land and water. Sonar imagery reveals bottom hardness clearly and in vivid color on select U.S. OVERLAYS: The relief shading overlay allows you to have a better understanding of bottom topography for improved fishing and diving. GOVERNMENT CHARTS (NOAA): These are available within the following coverages: U.S. SONARCHART™ HD BATHYMETRY MAPS: Extraordinary 1’ (0.5 meter) HD bottom contour detail is the ideal tool for locating new fishing areas. NAUTICAL CHART: Use this premier marine reference to study port plans, anchorages and safety depth contours, locate navaids, marine services and more. INTERNATIONALLY RENOWNED NAVIONICS® CHARTS: Use them offline along with multiple overlays, so you can be more aware of what’s above and below the water.To continue using the charts and features, purchase a one-year renewable subscription. The Boating app is a must-have for cruising, fishing, sailing, diving and all your activities on the water. Get up-to-date, detailed charts you can use offline plus a boatload of features on your mobile device, so they’re on hand wherever you go.

Navionics app list of lakes