In some cases it may be necessary to exit the BTTray.exe utility, if present, before iTunes can be launched in non-admin mode. * Some Windows users have noted that this method fails if they are running iTunes as the administrator. Tones shared as a ringtone to iTunes with GarageBand for Mac or Logic may be in a folder called Import inside the media folder.Alternatively there may be a Ringtones folder in the media folder or the main iTunes folder. Tones created with earlier versions of iTunes or purchased on and transferred from a device will normally be found in the Tones folder inside the media folder.From iTunes 12.7 there is no longer a dedicated Tones section within the iTunes library.Which method works seems to vary by platform and app so try both. Drag & drop * or copy & paste the ringtone from Windows Explorer or Finder onto the device where it appears in the iTunes sidebar (drop) or to the Music or Tones sections of the device when expanded (paste).Enable the sidebar in iTunes if hidden.If drag/drop doesn't work try copy/paste instead.Īdd ringtone to device, iTunes 12.7 or later m4r file from another open Finder window to the General tab for your device. Connect your device to your Mac with a cable, and open the general tab for it in Finder.*** It used to be possible to create ringtones up to 40 seconds long, but they don't appear to transfer correctly in Catalina or Big Sur.Īdd ringtone to device, macOS 10.5 Catalina or later ** In Music for Catalina or later the Import Settings option is found under Music > Preferences > Files. * If you omit this step on a Mac iTunes/Music will remain connected to the renamed file as if it was a regular music track, and it may then ignore any attempt to manually add it to your device. If running iTunes 12.7 or later you should move the file into \Tones.(You may need to adjust folder options to see the extensions.) Delete the new entry from the library without sending to the recycle bin/trash.Right-click on the new copy and click Show in Windows Explorer or Finder.Reset the start and stop times on the original track.Use File > Convert > Create AAC version.Under Edit (Win) or iTunes/Music (Mac) > Preferences > General tab > Import Settings choose AAC Encoder > High Quality 128k.On the Get Info > Options tab set start and stop times no more than 30 seconds apart.

You cannot use an Apple Music subscription item, or anything that is in the cloud.